Flight Commander - Increases the duration of INFERNO LEADER.Vengeful Barrage - Increases the damage of LASER BARRAGE.Advanced Torpedoes - Increases DUAL PROTON TORPEDO damage.
Engine Heat Dissipator - Decreases the AFTERBURNER cooldown.These enemies receive increased damage from all sources Inferno Leader – For the duration of INFERNO LEADER, all enemies within a radius are revealed to allied players.Dual Proton Torpedoes - Fires two proton torpedoes which track the locked target and deal high damage.
Laser Barrage - Charges up a rapid fire barrage which deals high damage. The AFTERBURNER can be cancelled after a short time Afterburner - Gives the starfighter a temporary speed boost and breaks enemy missile lock. Custom-built for Inferno Squad, this modified TIE has seen heroic service in the name of the Emperor. Now available as a new Hero Starfighter in multiplayer matches! Iden Versio leads by example from her personal TIE/ln fighter. We’re expanding the ways you can play on Crait by bringing this map to the Blast Game Mode! Battle in the mines among the machinery and crystals leftover from the previous occupants. This is just the first of many exciting updates in store, so please keep your feedback coming! We're always listening for ways to grow, fix, and improve the game. Of course, we've also been digging into fan feedback and bug reports to make some fixes and balancing tweaks that we hope you'll enjoy. In our first patch of 2018, we're delighted to offer a new Blast map on the planet Crait and to introduce Iden Versio's TIE fighter to the roster of hero ships available in Starfighter Assault. exe file will resolve the issue, thanks allot and I will keep in tough if the problem is solved or not ).Happy New Year from the Battlefront team! I am trying to launch through gameranger.
The disc I've bought is very old however it's a legit disc. Thank you for your time trying helping me, I've tried to patches and both got me the same error messages. It may also be possible that you may have the wrong patch file. If you don't have these you can get them online on a torrent site or buy the game. With both of them you need the following: If you are using gamemaster to play online you need the gamemaster patch file If you are using gameranger to play online you need the original exe file which is on that download link. The original exe file i uploaded recently. Originally posted by (IGF)SueKrueger13:this may help: